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Digging the foundation for a grain setup
Tight spaces just make things tougher, not impossible
Need an outlet on the other side of the road? No problem, just dig through it.
Laying tile deeper than the plow can reach. Dig a trench to run the plow in.
Big jobs need big machines
Cleaning trees and brush out of a waterway and pushing back the edges of the field.
This waterway needs a lot of help
Tight tree piles mean that more burns up and less gets buried.
Double wide and double long hog barn means 4 times the mud
One of two 21-yard scrapers to move dirt in a hurry
Perimeter tile laid with a storm moving in
Grading the pad so that we can start packing
Rocks always make things interesting.
Need a 12-inch tile pulled 9 feet deep. This is what it looks like.
View from the cab of the Wolfe as we pull in laterals.
Moving on to the next job
Standing water, no problem
We work in all kinds of weather.
Busting up grain facility foundations
Cleaning up an abandoned farmstead.
Big fires are just a part of the job.
Loading dirt out of the pile.
When one isn’t enough, get two